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How Matchbook Works

  • Browse rental listings that fit your preferences and save the best ones to your favorites. Discover mid-term, long-term, and furnished rental properties with verified landlords, all in one place.

  • Looking to rent?

    Find a Place, All in One Place

    Tired of endless tabs and sketchy listings? Us too. On MatchBook, you can find mid-term, long-term, and furnished rental properties you’ll love, all on one site—with verified landlords you can trust.

    Get Your Perfect Match

    Search for rental properties that match your preferences and connect with landlords who love your renting history! It's like online dating, but without a fear of commitment.

    One Application, Unlimited Options

    No more paying $50 fees per application, just to be rejected (unless you’re into that kind of thing?). With MatchBook, you fill out one rental application for access to unlimited furnished or unfurnished, mid-term and long-term rental options. Simple, fast, and frustration-free.

    Transparent Pricing

    No hidden fees, no surprises. Unlike those other renting websites (dare us to @ them?), what you see on the listing is exactly what you’ll pay. We’re not here to play games.

    Rate Your Landlord

    Why do landlords get to call your references, but you can't call theirs? Ring ring- it's the future calling! You finally get to see what other renters thought of their stay

    Renting shouldn't be so hard.

    Now, it doesn't have to be.